Charleston Jews

Pilot (Comedy)

Jojo, a 20-year-old closeted Southern Jew who co-opts a blue-collar persona, finds himself in the midst of an identity crisis after a series of major life setbacks. Meanwhile, his Orthodox older sister, Esther, grapples with her sense of self when a long-held family secret is unearthed.

*Available upon request

  • 2023 Almanack Screenwriters’ Episodic Lab Semi-Finalist.

  • 2022 Austin Film Fest Second Rounder.

  • Writers’ Guild of America East WGI Support Staff Training Program.


Pilot (Comedy)

The story of Ronny, a Southern farm boy who moves to NYC and finds a chosen family amongst a group of DIY eco-terrorists and finds love in his crude oil lobbyist sugar mama. 

*Available upon request

Our SUmmer place

Pilot (Thriller)

When the lake drains at Camp Yonah, a Jewish summer camp in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Georgia, clues are unearthed about a counselor whose been missing for decades.

*Available upon request